


好久没来 发生了好多 整个世界都颠覆了



Jan 23 2014 o.m.g. I lov today. Kevin asked me if he can borrow my ruler and i was like oh yah sure.


I swear you are going to regret being so mean to me. You have no friend girl. Without me how do you live through that long recess and lunch.


当你长时间单方面的付出了太长而没有得到一丁点回报 你开始灰心开始怀疑 最后你放弃了 而对方也许在享受你的付出 也许根本不知道你在付出


Jan 21 2014 great. Now i feel like a traitor.


For now I'm going to try to save money. Every dollar i save goes right into my 'money for kiehls'


I want to buy kiehls deep pore cleaning mask.. I have no money...


I'm pretty sure airi, julia, and yuri are my camp mates,


Hearing that kevin is going to mcroberts, i was really happy. But then hearing that Rebecca is also going to mcroberts, i don't really want her to. She's pretty boring, she's like those kind of person who doesn't really need a friend. I need friends, i don't wanna be alone, and i want those friends that i would like to go to camp with.


Today we had a presentation with ipad minis. Kevin and dani were taking selfies and kevin was like o.o with eyeballs in the middle


Jan 20 2014 ten more days till we change seats.. So sad..


Favorite song for now: apologize- timbaland ft.one republic


今天好开心阿 我的柠檬杯寄过来了 有点漏水不过没关系啦 我就是一个没有任何原则的人 ^^


越来越喜欢你了 脑海里都是你的影子 去牙医看到一个发型和你很像的人第一时间就想起了你 看到黄色也会马上想起你是有多爱黄色,因为热爱香蕉所以喜欢黄色的你


对你的喜欢日渐增生 再也瞒不住了 曾告诉自己很多次放弃喜欢你 最后还是没放弃 原来在你认为已经很喜欢这个人的时候 是可以更喜欢的 我有点希望能跟你去同一个中学 同一个班 但是又有点不希望 因为我比其他人了解你 我知道你不喜欢女孩子跟你走的太近 你很刻薄很凶 但是你的笑容很灿烂阿 每个人都是不一样的个体 每个人都是特殊的 人一生会遇见上千万人 而爱上一个人的几率是0.00049% 所以喜欢上了就好好抓住 不要放弃 也许多年后当我看到现在这篇文章 会觉得当年的我很可笑荒唐 但是毕竟当年曾喜欢过一个人这么久 7年 暗恋长跑 加油 --2014.1.17


Jan 15 2014 i love today! During show choir time today, madam let us do expo. Then yuri was bored so she wrote on my neck, and madam saw it and she was like, what the fuck are you doing?! Go to the bathroom and wash it off. She said it so loud that i think everyone heard it. Then we went to the bathroom, and she washed it off. I didn't want her to tho, because i want to see what she wrote. I asked her what she wrote, she said she just wrote my name. Then we went back and i asked madam what she wrote, madam said its my name that starts with y(yaoi), something Rachel something love. Then i knew it! She wrote Rachel <3 Yaoi. Then madam asked me what does yaoi means, i didn't want to tell her but yuri said quickly, it means gay, I don't know why she likes gay. I was kinda embarrassed, so i was like, yo you know what yuri means lesbian? And madam and other ppl were like, what..?! And yuri was like oh its my mom who named me. After school i was about to go to daiso, but i had math to do and kevin was staying, so i stayed too. I was doing math and dani and wang and kevin were talking bout dirty things. Then kevin left, so i pretended to wait for my mom, so i followed him out too. I thought he left, but then i met him at the corner. I was kinda surprised i was like wow. Then i walked back and stood beside the corner, and then a car came, its kevins moms car. Its kinda gray, those really normal and cheap ones. Its pretty old. Then i pretended to go inside and didn't see kevin at the corner, so i walked and met wang there. He was like why r u here? I said waiting for my mom. Wheres your backpack? Its too heavy i don't want to carry it. Well you gotta run twice. After, i saw kevin running past us and went directly into the car. Wang waved at kevin and kevin waved back. Then i went inside and did my hw, and went to shoppers.


This morning i was kinda disappointed and kinda disliked kevin because he's so mean then after school i was light up again


Kevin kept playing danis samsung. So not hot so not hot


We stayed after school and kevin and wang were talking about penis. Kevin said his is the biggest one, and wang said peiyus is, then kevin said jeevans is.


Jan 15 2014 ugh Kevin why are you so attractive?! I don't want to like you because you are a big meany


Tbh i don't even know her. She always smiles at me whenever she sees me. I didn't want to say no because who knows? She might cry. I wish she can forget about it really quick because i don't want to be lesbian.


Yah we divorced


I married to a girl yesterday. She's Rachel, she's 6 years old. I was just messing around and yuri told madam, and kevin was there. He said nothing but madam was like 'what?!'


Yesterday when I was walking towards julia i fell. And kevin was like 'hahahahahahahahahaha' i suddenly felt like 'he's so mean' 'shudnt hev like him' but then you look at his smile and you would think its the most beautiful thing in the world


before, during parent n teacher conference, i overheard kevins mom talking to another parent. Kevin has a big sister, she's already in mcroberts, and since their house is near to mcroberts i guessed he's going to that high school and I'm RIGHT


Jan 10 2014 oh yah yesterday when I was staying after school, wang and kevin had a conversation bout high school. 'Which high school are you going to' 'oh I don't know' 'then I'm going to send you to a high school' 'no you can't send me' 'I'm sending you to...mcrobeets' 'great that's where I'm going' i was so happy just like 一千万只草泥马在奔腾


Jan 9 2014 kinda sad today... Kevin teased bout my face...sad...


So girly....girly...irly...rly...ly...y.....


A guy using eos...minted flavor...wow....!,


I saw an eos in his desk...wow can't believe that...


But I've got two records of them talking!, harharhar!! I wonder how he reacts if he knows There's someone collecting his pictures, voices, messages


I didn't even speak when kevin was there. So wang was about to leave, and i didn't want him to but i said nothing. He was like 'i won't leave unless you say bye' kevin didn't and wang just distracted him until kevin was not patient and told him to read. Finally wang left and kevin left with him too. I wanted to say bye but didn't.


Kevin: you don't even have a penis wang: yah you got two nipples


I stayed after school and dani and wang was there. We were doing math and wang asked me a few questions. Then suddenly! Kevin came in and he did math with us. I was so quiet and overhearing them talking bout penis and nipples.


Jan 8 2014 today at math, madam called on me but my answers were wrong so i told her they r wrong, and she was like ' how do you know?'she wanted me to try. So i quickly looked st joys answer, and said it out. When i finished, madam was like' huh so your not lost!' So i thanked joy, then kevin was like 'haha failli'


So i got braces, kinda hurt. I'm sitting with kevin yayy! But i want to sit beside him not across..


January:Kevin, susanna, Yuri, Joy, Yvette @table 5


Omg kevins eyelashes are long I'm jelly!


I'm getting braces tomorrow yay~~


After school, kevin was playing soccer with Chris perry and wang. I went there and pretended i talk with airi, and i wanted to take some pictures of kevin, so i told airi that i want to take a picture of her, and she was like no. I took a few but she robbed my phone and deleted them. Even tho in the pictures the main character is her, but kevin is at the back.


Dec 19 2013 omg i wish everyday is like today. I hung out with yuri, julia and airi instead of Rebecca. Rebecca is no fun. We watched the movie elf, and i cried. After, julia and airi yuri were like, 'she's touched. She didn't cry watching titanic and Romeo and Juliet, but she cried watching elf.' Kevin was just behind us, I don't know if he heard them.


Christmas wish list: 1) kevin Qi 2) kevin Qi 3) kevin qi


I really feel like i like him more and more everyday


Kevin was so cute so funny so interesting


Dec 18 2013 its almost the end of the first semester! We had a party today. I ate so many things!


From tomorrow, kevin is going to sit at Airis group, but like that i can't see him as much as i want because i havta turn around.


I kind of regretted telling julia that i like kevin. During computer lab, she and Rebecca were talking bout it and giggling like its really funny and weird, and i told her not to tell Rebecca.


Then it was around four, i finished my hw and waited for my mom where kevin usually stands. I was talking to Ivan and Elizabeth, suddenly kevin came back and i was so surprised. But sadly my mom was there, i wanted to tell her i need to get something so i can get in and meet kevin.


Then i went in to do my hw, and i was frowning and standing to draw the circles and he came in to get some paper. I didn't notice he was there until he passed me.


dec 16 2013 today when i stayed after school to watch the crossing guards, kevin was there and he talked with jeevan for a long time.



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