


好久没来 发生了好多 整个世界都颠覆了



My hair grew too long so i cut it. But it was so ugly so i put my hoodie on. When I walked in the classroom, kevin saw me and shouted hey no hoodie inside. I ignored hi


When we got back from camping, we felt like strangers.


All our groups slept in a big tent. I tried to sleep, but kevin kept talking. His voice is those kind that's really thick. I heard him asked fintan what kind of girls does he like, usually he doesn't talk about girls except in camping. Maybe he said it because i was there.


During overnight trip, he cooked. Not really professional.


During camping, we didn't talk much but i felt like living with him. When we got back from the overnight trip, we needed to carry our luggage. His friends was carrying a big one with kevin, and when he saw me he put down the luggage and told me to carry it with kevin. Maybe during this time he still likes me. I started liking him too.


We were in the same group in camp, it was May.


Sometime in January, we played basketball together. Because I'm not good at it, so everytime i gets a ball i pass it to someone else. I don't know why, but almost everytime i passed it to kevin. And sometimes he passed it to me too.


Then, we didn't talk much, i just look at him sometimes.


Then me and julia went to the washroom to Change for PE. On the way julia said you know that a lot of boys like you? I was kinda happy but i just said, are you kidding me?


Oh then it was in an afternoon i was doing hw in the classroom and kevin was hanging with a bunch of girls. Then someone asked a question and he said something, then Nina cried out, kevin likes susanna?! Then i looked there and didn't really care because i didn't like him.


In the beginning of LFI, Angela WU asked kevin who does he likes, kevin was just like 'no you guys will spoil it around' wuwu was like'no i promised i won't' kevin said 'i like Katy perry' bug when he said that he looked at me and he kept blinking


i regret that i didn't like him when he liked me.


i think i started liking Kevin Qi when Peiyu was gone for his soccer game. during camping he was funny and entertaining, so i think i started liking him during camping.


remember when we had the dollar system, kevin neede one dollar because someone stole his, and i have 32 so i handed him one. and he was like, no you can keep it i was like, nah and i handed it to him.


So we can take others agenda for madam to sign, and kevin took four , but the maximum is three so i put my hand to him and he handed it to me. happy~


今天买了一把带着名族吉他风的古典吉他,现在会弹"what makes you beautiful了,开心。


星期四去tom lee租贝斯,七年级选修2门乐器





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